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ZT-III 說(shuō)明書

點擊次數:1266 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016/6/23
提 供 商: 上海之信儀器有限公司 資料大小:
圖片類型: 下載次數: 266
資料類型: DOC 浏覽次數: 1266
詳細介紹: 文件下載    

ZT-III desktop vacuum minipump is designed for chemical testing, clinical testing, bio-engineering, metallurgy, environmental protection. This vacuum decompressing device can draw and discharge liquid as well as decompression. It is widely applied to extract supernate or sediment after centrifugation in extraction & preparation of monoclonal antibodies ,clearing or exchanging liquid after integration, washing porous plastic plate for enzyme-linked immunosorbent, leaching experiment-like points of hybridization, rapid extraction in the sub-photometer ( device with pool) or a variety of biochemical-analytic instruments, replacing the current impact of the glass vacuum pumps. A multifunctional instrument, with reasonable mechanism, low noise and easy to carry, greatly facilitates the work of the laboratory.